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Seeking Model for Music Video in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, CA, United States
ID: 264871Exp: 7/1/2024
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Casting a dynamic female actress, who appears to be between 18 and 24 years old, for a role in an upcoming R&B music video. The ideal candidate should have a fit physique and feel comfortable performing in both a swimsuit and pajamas. The role requires significant on-screen presence and the capability to effectively convey various emotions. This is an excellent opportunity for emerging actresses seeking exposure in the music and entertainment industry.

1 role

Lead Model for Music VideoFemale18-24 y.o.African-American

The role involves multiple scenes that enhance the narrative of the R&B track. Initially, you will portray a college student studying for finals in a downtown LA apartment, dressed in lounge wear, capturing the essence of student life. The storyline progresses with intimate scenes featuring you and the main male artist as a couple within the apartment setting. Subsequent scenes include driving through the vibrant streets of LA, culminating in a picturesque conclusion at a nearby beach.