Performers Needed for "Lettice & Lovage" Play
ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ADMITTED. Currently seeking male and female performers to portray roles in "Lettice & Lovage" play. See the details below. About the play: Lettice Douffet is an expert on Elizabethan cuisine, an enthusiast of history and theatre, and a tour guide at 400-year-old Fustian House. Lettice begins to embellish its historical past, straying from the facts. Lotte Schoen, an inspector from the Preservation Trust, is not impressed by these fantasies. Lotte fires Lettice, but gradually becomes fascinated by her unusual past, her romantic worldview, and her refusal to accept the mediocre and the second rate. To entertain themselves, the two new friends begin to secretly reenact the trials and deaths of Europe’s most famous historical figures, but the fun nearly turns to murder. Play is set in London, 1990. Additional information: – Callback: Thursday, June 13, 2024 7:00-10:00 pm on stage. – First Readthrough: Tuesday June 18, 2024 7:00-10:00 pm in rehearsal hall. – Rehearsals will usually be held on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. – Wednesday evenings will be added starting in August. – Extra rehearsal dates may be required closer to opening. SHOW DATES AND TIMES: – Wednesday, September 11 – Saturday, September 14, 2024 7:30 pm. – Tuesday, September 17 – Saturday, September 21, 2024 7:30 pm. – Sunday, September 15, 2024 2:30 pm. – You MUST also be available for Members Night, Monday, September 9, 2024 7:30 pm. British accents will be required for Lettice, Lotte, Bardolph, and Framer. Once an audition date has been secured, sides will be provided. You are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes early to sign in and have your picture taken. Please see the attachment for details. If you're interested, please apply.
5 roles
Lettice was raised by a Shakespearean actress who traveled the French countryside attempting to make a living and bring culture to French peasants. A woman of great charm, passion, and wit – who somehow can’t seem to hold a job for long without irritating someone in authority.
Stiff upper-lip solicitor brought in to defend Lettice in Act 3. His client bewilders him as she seems to have no idea of the seriousness of the charge against her. Dry, humourless, he is inveigled to play a part in reenacting what happened. If possible, would double as Surly Man in Act 1 Scene 1.
Nervous, anxious assistant to Ms. Schoen. Intimidated by Lotte, and enthralled by Lettice’s tales, in Act 1 Scene 2. Doubles as a tourist in Act 1 Scene 1.
An Elizabethan scholar on one of Lettice’s tours, who wonders aloud at the source of her “facts”. If possible, would double as Mr. Bardolph in Act 3.
Looking for between 6 and 9 people (men and women, wide range of ages) to be tourists/visitors that Lettice leads on tours of Fustian House in four segments that make up Act 1 Scene 1. British accents not necessarily needed for these roles. Some will have a few lines to speak; all will act as a Chorus that showcases the challenges Lettice encounters as a Guide who tries to enliven History.