Casting Talents for 'Pixelated Justice'
Casting for “Pixelated Justice”. Synopsis; Sean is back in town to hang out with his friends and finds out a lot has changed. The government outlawed video games. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: Non-paid but IMDb credits. Additional info: Dates: 5/21-5/22. If interested, please apply.
6 roles
Back in town to catch up with his friends, he finds a lot has changed over the years and a former crush comes back his life.
Receptionist at the VR Bar
Extras wearing vr helmets, multiple roles
Jake is married to Courtney. He is excited to catch up with his best friend Sean. Then goes to tell him how much has changed for the better and worse.
On the flirty side with the main character Sean and doesn’t fully have her life in order and after the breakup she’s looking for a fresh start and when Sean comes back she sees her opportunity in a way to have that.
She’s married to Jake, The older more mature one in the group and has a mothering type qualities especially to Samantha Green