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Casting Call for "Hit The Wall" Play

Charlotte, NC, United States
ID: 233004Exp: 6/30/2023

The company is holding auditions for "HIT THE WALL" Show and looking for actors, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Additional info: All adults ages 21+ are welcomed and encouraged to audition. Those auditioning should be familiar with the script. Actors will be asked to read selections from the script during the auditions. For reference, please find a copy of the script in the attachment. If you are interested, please apply.

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10 roles

A-GAYMale26-34 y.o.All ethnicities

Attractive, smooth-talking Harvard Grad who can pass for straight. A clipped, uncaring vampire with a great closing argument.

NEWBIEMale21-24 y.o.All ethnicities

Fresh off the boat early twenties queer. Not only knows where the part is; he leads it.

CARSONMale21-56 y.o.African-American

Strong and silent type with a hidden cache of bitchisims that could clear a room. Sticks to his morals till they’re pried from his fingers.

PEGFemale21-56 y.o.All ethnicities

“Stone Butch”, could possibly pass for a man. Spits out words like hand grenades; nearly at the breaking point.

CLIFFMale21-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Drifter type, drunk on hope with a half pound of amazing weed in his backpack. would probably be considered bi-sexual.

ROBERTAFemale21-56 y.o.African-American

A strong woman with the tirades to prove it. The most well dressed and educated Freedom Fighting Hustler you can think of.

TANOMale21-56 y.o.Latino / Hispanic

Half of the “Snap Queen Team”, Puerto Rican, fiercely territorial, able to cut a bitch in half with a single wit.

MIKAMale21-56 y.o.African-American

Other half of the “Snap Queen Team”. Not as fast as TANO, but probably smarter. Tells it like it is, calls it like he sees it; sees the glitz and glamour through tinted shades.

COPMale21-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Good Ol’ Boy just trying to do right by the law. Has never questioned the “Right” or “Wrong” behind what he’s ordered to do. Amazing at the intimidation factor of his job.

MADELINEFemale21-56 y.o.All ethnicities

PEG’s Sister. Has no business being at the riot. Must host a brunch in the morning and has no time for civil rights or emotional outbursts. Secret smoker, terrible driver, has-had-enough.