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Casting Actors for Shorti Film in VA

Richmond, VA, United States
ID: 279921Exp: 2/28/2025

Looking to cast actors for a short film. Find more details below. ONLY MD, DC & LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Rate: Copy for reel, food, and gas reimbursement. Additional info: Dates and location: (March 25-30, 2025) – DMV Area only filming 2 days; Casting will be the weekend of 3/1/2025. When applying, please send the following: -Headshot & full-body shot (professional or not); -Resume; -Name, phone, email, Instagram; -Reel (if available); -Subject Line: FIRST NAME LAST NAME – ROLE (e.g., JOHN SMITH – CHRIS).

5 roles

ChrisMale25-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Fences stolen goods; must portray being drunk/high.

PeterMale25-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Racing to pay off a debt;

LenieMale18-30 y.o.All ethnicities

(Preferably 5’4”-5’6”) – In shock; must portray being drunk/high;

VirginiaFemale18-30 y.o.All ethnicities

Plays dead.

Male Stand-InMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(6’0”-6’2”, ethnically ambiguous) – Paid position.