Actress Wanted for "Phoenix" Short Film
Casting actors for "Phoenix" Short Film, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: Joshua Graham is a troubled teenager who was arrested for arson. A judge orders him to visit Dr. Wexler, a therapist for troubled teens, for a psychological evaluation. The only other option is jail time. Joshua, despite being hesitant, is willing to go to the evaluation – but is he willing to make a change? Rate: Pay ($100) Additional info: Rehearsals Begin: February 7, 2025 Run/Shoot: March 8, 2025 – March 10, 2025 What To Prepare: There will be two parts of the script that will be read from, a segment of the opening scene and a segment from the second half of the script. Please apply if interested.
1 role
Hhas been a therapist for years. She wants Joshua Graham to heal from his past trauma and move on. She truly cares about him and wants the best for him and his future, and is willing to do anything to make sure Joshua heals from his traumatic experiences.